Tree Orders Due Soon!
Just a reminder that tree orders are due on April 1st. just 2 weeks from now. There are some trees that we are beginning to run low on, so if you've been procastinating, now is the time to get your order in before we run out of what you're looking for. Remember you can print a copy of our order form and mail it to us, or you can simply scan and email it to or, call in an order. A couple of hints when filling out your order form... include at least one telephone number. just in case you forget to pick up your order on April 22 or 23rd. Yes, you will get a reminder in the mail (we begin mailing out reminders about a week before pick up. Quantity - put the total number of that size and species of trees you are ordering there - so say you want blue spruce seedinglings, put 25 in the quantity and 18.00 in the cost colunm. Also, in case you were wondering, you do need to order in quantities listed 25's or 10's... Have questions?? Just give us a call 518-823-4535